The official Electronic Tour Guide project blog

Creaky Begins

Posted: January 22, 2013 at 12:30 pm, Category: Stories,

“What a wonderful new day,” said the Creator, and he was absolutely right. Although it was cold, the sun was shining. A perfect winter day! “Now it’s time to take a little rest,” he said and started to stretch oneself.

“No, no, no,” he unexpectedly uttered, “I’m not lazy, don’t even think that way! I had a lot of work to do! And now it’s time to introduce you someone you will love.”

“Oh, Mother of Code, I’m so excited about it”, the Creator closed his eyes, took a breath and made a pause. The pause seemed like an eternity to him.

“He was designed,” he continued, “especially to help us introduce our offers, promotions and all brand-new inventions that our ingenious team (and he’s a part of it now) will come up with. He’s great specialist and reliable friend. We trust him 110 percent and wanna see him as our company’s symbol.”

“Hey, buddy, show yourself to such a lovely audience!” said the Creator.

[The creature is shyly looking out of the curtain]

“Don’t be shy! Come on!”

[The creature appears]

“Gooood boy! But where are your good manners?!” asked the Creator, “Say hi and present yourself!”

[bzzzzt] I am enthusiastic and curious creature,” said Creaky lowly, “I’m delighted to be a part of the team feeling alike me.”

“I took him from the planet far far away. A good planet. A planet with the best tour guides!” – said the Creator proudly, “Right, my friend?”

“Right, Creator! [bzzzzt] Being new on this planet, I am curious about everything that happens around me and always find myself in the middle of embarrassing situations. One day I’ll tell you some of these stories if I find and untwine a cord to download them from my memory block.”

“Oh, we would love to hear all these amazing stories, but not now. I have to go,” interrupted the Creator. “There is no time to explain, but remember: I will be far and close at the same time.” He pulled out the cord and disappeared, leaving behind a note lying on the ground.

Creaky picked it up and started to read. It said:

Now, it won’t be surprise for all of you to see on our front page a cute creature with a wide charming smile (

“At your service my dear new friends!” said Creaky and cracked a smile.

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